Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mr. Rabbit

Mr. Rabbit was coming home to his burrow after a long day of picking carrots in the field. Like he was taught since he was merely a bunny, he repacked dirt into his burrow door to keep it from caving in.
“Remember honey, you should fix your burrow door every day to keep it from caving in...” He could hear his mother say
“... or it will crash down, and you'll be trapped!”
Mr. Rabbit scoffed.
“Never once have I seen a burrow door break.”
Still, he fixed his door and brought in the carrots. He set them down in his pantry and went off to sleep for it was late, and he had a big day tomorrow.
Mr. Rabbit woke up feeling great. Filled with excitement he jumped out of bed and got dressed. Today he was going to make his favorite dessert: carrot pie, then he was going to pick flowers for his wife, Mrs. Rabbit, who would arrive later today from a business trip, and then he would spend the rest of his day playing cards with his friends Mr. Duck and Mr, Monkey at the big tree.
“I can't wait!” Mr. Rabbit said.
He took out the carrots he picked yesterday and set them on the table. Then he went to get the dough.
There was none.
“Huh, I could have sworn I bought some last week. Oh well, I guess ill have to go get more.”
As Mr. Rabbit left, he noticed that his burrow door was slightly crumbled.
“Must have rained yesterday.”
Mr. Rabbit looked at his watch.
“Eh, I don't have enough time, Ill do it when I get back,” he said as he walked out the door in direction of the grocery store.
It was really windy outside. The trees were shaking to the rhythm of the gales and added a sense of timelessness to the morning.
Mr. Rabbit arrived at the store and quickly found his dough, but the checkout line was absolutely huge.
“I don't have time for this,” he muttered under his breath.
After what seemed like forever, Mr. Rabbit finally bought his dough. He then hurried home to finish his pie.
As he arrived at his door, he saw his slightly decaying door.
“I don't have time. I'm sure it'll hold.”
He rushed in and got to work. In only a short hour and a half the pie was ready, and he set it aside to cool.
“Great, now while the cools, ill pick flowers for my dear wife.”
Then Mr. Rabbit set off again, completely ignoring his burrow door which was now even more crumbled due to the strong wind.
As he arrived at the field, he saw a great many selection of flowers. Mr. Rabbit wanted only the best for his wife, so he proceeded to examine each flower closely. Mrs. Rabbit has been away from home for a week, and would appreciate his effort.
He picked daisies, roses, tulips, lilies, and petunias and put them all in a nice, big, and beautiful bouquet.
Mr. Rabbit looked at his watch.
“Wow! I'm really late! If I go now, I might be able to give Mrs. Rabbit the flowers and meet up with Mr. Duck and Mr. Monkey in time for cards.
He ran home as fast as he could, and barely caught Mrs. Rabbit at the door.
“Hi honey! Welcome back” He said as he handed her the flowers.
“Aww! Thank you dear!” she replied giving Mr. Rabbit a big hug.
“i made you some carrot pie too. It's inside in the kitchen.”
“You're the best honey. Lets fix the door and then go eat it.” proposed Mrs. Rabbit.
“We can do it later, right now I want to enjoy my time with you.” replied Mr. Rabbit.
They went inside, and Mrs. Rabbit put the flowers on a vase while Mr. Rabbit cut them each a piece of pie.
They chatted about her trip and his time alone. They finished devouring half the pie when Mr. Rabbit looked down and noticed the time on his watch.
“Oh no! I'm late for cards!” He said and dashed out the door before Mrs. Rabbit could say anything
“Hmm... always rushing off” said Mrs. Rabbit as she cut herself another piece of pie.
Mr. Rabbit ran as fast as he could and arrived at the big tree just in time for the game to start.
“There you are!” said Mr. Duck. “We were wondering where you were.”
“Sorry guys, my whole day was filled with things to do today.” defended Mr. Rabbit.
“It's fine,” Said Mr. Monkey. “ Lets start?”
They played all night, and Mr. Rabbit made a big winning of 50 carrots.
As he got home with his prize, he walked right in paying no attention to his burrow door.
“Ill do it tomorrow morning,” he thought.
Exhausted, he dumped the carrots right in the living room and went straight to bed, where Mrs. Rabbit was already sleeping.
The rain returned that night, and was very violent.
The thunder echoed in the night, and the trees and walls shook under the mighty rumbles and gales.
It was too much for the burrow door.
Crashing down like an avalanche, the door gave with a noise as loud as an explosion, jerking Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit awake.
Immediately Mr. Rabbit knew what happened.
“The door!” He shouted, jumping out of bed and running to salvage it.
But It was too late.
The door was gone, and in it's place was a solid wall of dirt trapping them inside.

The story is about the negative effects of procrastination on any given person. When there's something we have to do but don't want to, we often keep putting it off to do something more favorable until it crashes down on us and traps us in, severally damaging us in the process. Such was the case with Mr. Rabbit. He had other things he had to tend to and the all important task of fixing his burrow door was put off until it inevitably came down. Moral of the story: Work now, before it accumulates and becomes too much to handle.

Monday, November 7, 2011

John's Declaration!

In my short time in your society, I have come to realize that it is corrupt and broken. Many times I tried to fix it, to give the people what should have been theirs. However, the harder I tried, the more this society tried to change ME. This so called “civilization” is fixed beyond repair, and so I declare independence from all of civilization and its sick and twisted ways.

When I first arrived, I expected knowledge and enlightenment beyond my imagination, however I am met with ignorance unlike any I have ever seen. All of your time is spent on drugs or in the bed. Don't you have time to think? Don't you have insights about yourself? Don't you want a more meaningful life? I ask all these questions, and all I get in return are dirty looks or blank expressions. Why not do something new?

This sick and twisted government controls you completely! You are all slaves to it, unwilling to fight. How can you be happy with what you are? How can you allow your government to tell you what to think? How can you allow it to block out your emotions like they never existed? This is crazy! They keep you from learning, they keep you from thinking, and they keep you from feeling anything that matters. This wont do. We all should have to option to choose. Eve must allowed to take the apple from the tree and live with the consequences. How can we be human without the hardships?

And whatever happened to love? Is that not relevant at all anymore? As soon as I tried to make a connection with someone, they just assumed I wanted to sleep with them! What madness is this? Can one not simply long for companionship without intimacy? I want to have a partner to care for, to hold hands with, walk on the beach, do heroic things for, and other thing of the sort. This sort of relationship demanded by your society is empty! There's no meaning or feelings involved. In fact, none of your society has any feeling other than pleasure. Its sex this and soma that. This wont do. I must abdicate myself from these sins, these lunatic ways of your people.
Your people don't even get the right to choose their fates. Before they are even born, your government determines exactly what they will be doing for the rest of their lives. Whether they will grow to be alphas or any other of your ridiculous castes, they don't have a choice! They don't even get the right to be unhappy with their positions. Your society trains them to accept their fate and neglect advancement! How cruel is that? Can you reduce a man down any lower than when he doesn't want to better himself?

No! This society is wrong! I don't belong here, and I don't plan on being here any longer. This society hold no interest to me, with the gigantic thumb these people live under. I desire to be free from your soma. I desire to be free from your ignorance. I desire to be free from your fake happiness. I desire to end all connection to your people and be free of their lustful ways. So thereafter, I declare independence from your warped society and it's people!
Ethos: Paragraph 3
Pathos: Paragraph 4
Logos: Paragraph 2, 5